Makes you appreciate nature
Dale Maplethorpe
12:25 30th June 2023

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Described by Clash as “a subtle and highly affecting listen” Zoe Wren really embraces escapism and takes the time to appreciate the mystery that our planet has to offer on her enchanting new single ‘Wonder’.

This is a very stripped back and meditative song. When it comes to production, it’s more or less simply Zoe’s glimmering voice and an acoustic guitar, but that’s all the song needs. If that was all there was to it, it would still be a great listen, but it is enhanced throughout the choruses with added bass and simple drums, plus sounds of wind and rain throughout the verse just add to the atmosphere of the track.

This is a tune that you could dance and sway to or one where you could put your earphones in, zone out and think about life, it really depends on how you interpret it and what mood you’re in. Plus, the lyrics talk about our planet, the mystery of it and the beauty that comes with everyday life. It’s escapist but also incredibly grounded and sweet.

“With Wonder, I wanted to capture the feeling of awe at how vast and endless nature is,“ she said, “and the realisation of how small and fleeting each of us is in comparison, which can be strangely comforting. It’s a song to have in your ears while you look out across the sea, or watch the horizon from a train window, or just on a bench somewhere green and take in the world around you.”

This song does seem to give you a newfound appreciation for nature and the expanse of the surrounding world, which as far as a 3 minute song is concerned is pretty impressive.

You can check out the new single ‘Wonder’ now


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Photo: Press