The good news is that Spiritualized have completely finished their first album proper since 2003’s ‘Amazing Grace.’ The bad news is that they’re waiting on Universal to “sort their shit out” before they can release it.
Speaking on a happy New Year post on Spiritualized’s website, band lynchpin Jason Pierce (under his Spaceman moniker) says that they’ve been sitting on a “finished and mastered” album for some months and are hoping that Universal will be able to release the record soon.
The post was also a vehicle for Pierce to talk about his favourite albums, films and gigs of 2007, plus his musings on the year ahead.
Here’s the interesting part of the post in full:
just a short message to say happy new year to all out there. It's been a good year for the Spaceman but it wouldn't've counted for nothin' without you guys. Thanks for all the support, records, chat and stuff. We've been sittin' on a finished (and mastered) record here for months now while Universal try to sort out their shit so with luck it should be resolved early this year and you can have it.
The shows were a real high, too many good times -Edinburgh, Traena, the Apollo, , too much and more, gonna miss this stuff. We maybe got Vancouver down to Palm Springs in a few months but that's it for acoustic mainlines, after that we're going electric ...
Also this year, Harmony Korine's truly beautiful "Mister Lonely" film is released to cinema with an o.s.t. to follow on Drag City Records. It was an honour and trip to work on that one and probably one of the things that was most instrumental in me finally finishing the Spiritualized album so we all got Harmony to thank for that one. Go see his film.
"Spaceshipp", a new duet recorded at Abbey Road with Mathew Shipp for the Treader label is also coming out sometime soon.
Anyways, you should check in here for updates and stuff
Best show of last year was probably Roky or Gruff or Lone Pigeon or maybe John Tchikai or something else i forgot.
Favourite records of the year, all on the same label from Mississippi (Mississippi Records) are the compilations -
"I don't feel at home in this world anymore" 1927 - 1948,
"Lipa Kodi Ya City Council"
"Life is a problem"