A former flame of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain has hit out at Cobain's widow Courtney Love, claiming she's reponsible for the death of her family pets.
Indie singer-songwriter Mary Lou Lord made the shocking claims in a since-deleted Facebook post in response to a number of digs made by Love in interviews over the years - reports The HollyWood Reporter. Lord, who dated Cobain before he got hitched to Love, claimed she was sick of the Hole singer throwing shade at her constantly.
"There were many times she slammed the shit out of me in public for apparently no reason, saying things that were untrue," the Boston singer wrote. "One of which was (and this is just SICK thinking in itself), that I had killed the family cat. She said that I had snuck onto their porch (she and Kurt’s porch), and killed the cat by sticking a syringe in its eye and breaking its neck!"
Lord then went on to say it's actually the other way round, alleging Love was irresponsible towards her family pets.
"I think it’s ironic how 2 yrs ago or so [Love's] cat was killed by getting strangled in her closet of clothes," she stormed. "Also, the family dog was killed by accidentally eating the pills on the floor…This shit, I DID NOT make up."
Lord defended her right to finally publically respond to the claims. "I’ve held back SO many thoughts on this bitch over the years that I deserve a reward. And I suppose that my little reward is in the KNOWING that this woman just plainly SUCKS in so many ways, on so many levels."
Courtney Love is yet to respond to the claims.