It seems some people have taken Kanye West's track 'I Am A God' a little too literally, as a new religion - 'Yeezianity' - has been created by an anonymous group.
Speaking to Noisey about Yeezianity, a spokesperson for the 'religion' insisted the rapper has been "sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity."
He added "He has the highest moral standards and highest integrity. He is the most creative person. And as it's typical with creative people, he gets a lot of flack from the lower minded masses."
In lyrics (which could have been lifted straight from the bible), West raps "I am a god, so hurry up with my damn massage, in a French-ass restaurant. Hurry up with my damn croissants."
Listen to West's 'I Am A God' below
There's a lot more information about the Church of Yeezus on the group's website. (N.B. It is possible that the group may not be taking themselves entirely seriously)
Meanwhile, West is currently being investigated by police following an alleged attack on an 18 year old man in Los Angeles.
Below: 10 alternative covers for Kanye West's sleeveless Yeezus album