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by Gaby Whitehill

Tags: Robin Thicke

Robin Thicke's Twitter Q&A was an epic disaster

'You're stranded on a desert island, are you still a chauvinistic pig?' and much, much worse


Robin Thicke's Twitter Q&A was an epic disaster


Why in fresh hell is it that PRs, at a time when their client is reviled by 80% of the world's population, think it's a REALLY GOOD idea for them to do a Twitter Q&A (see: James Arthur)? Why?

We're not complaining, because it's hilarious (yes, we're mean). Everyone's horrible on Twitter anyway, so when the general public have the opportunity to put questions to a musician who's currently about as popular as Robert Mugabe then sh*t is going to go down. So who's the latest musical idiot to serve themself up for a public internet flogging? Why, it's future revenge killer and current actual stalker Robin Thicke. Sigh.

Today, Thicke and VH1 join forces for a special Twitter Q&A session. Officially, we suppose it's in aid of Thicke's new album Paula, but unofficially we think VH1 just felt like having a good old laugh at Thicke's expense. We don't blame them. Here are the best HASHTAG ASK THICKE tweets.  



 Below - The 6 creepiest moments of Robin Thicke's 'Get Her Back' video:

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