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by Ed Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Garth Brooks

Garth Brooks' cancels Dublin Croke Park shows after licensing controversy

Five events were in the running


Garth Brooks' cancels Dublin Croke Park shows after licensing controversy


Country star Garth Brooks has announced that his Croke Park shows this summer have been cancelled - due to controversial licensing laws. 

The singer was aiming to put on five shows at the Dublin venue and is apparently heart broken at the failure to put on the events. Aiken promotions confirmed the news, stating that they had looked at all "possible solutions" with Dublin City Council.

According to RTE news they were offered three more concerts in October and the potential of two mattinee performances - but they were turned down.

"I just received the news the Irish council cannot change their earlier ruling to not allow the licenses for all five shows. To say I am crushed is an understatement," said Brookes. "All I see is my mother's face and I hear her voice. She always said things happen for a reason and for the right reason. As hard as I try, I cannot see the light on this one. So it is with a broken heart, I announce the ticket refunds for the event will go as posted by TicketMaster."

Watch Hitler react to the decision to cancel the shows below

Dublin City Council Chief Executive Owen Keegan is due before the Oireachtas Transport Committee today in order to discuss the role of the council in licensing future shows. Currently the event leaves 40,000 punters out in the cold, who can all expect a full refund from Ticketmaster.

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