The public feud between Snoop Dogg and Iggy Azalea has just taken an even more unpleasant turn, with Snoop posting an Instagram video this morning calling Azalea a "fucking cunt."
The feud began earlier this week, when Snoop Dogg posted an Instagram photo of an albino person, captioned "Iggy Azalea no make up."
According to TMZ, Azalea responded by tweeting, "Why would you post such a mean pic on insta when you send your body guards to ask me for pictures every time we are at shows. I'm disappointed you'd be such an ass for no reason."
She has since deleted the tweets, but has hit back at the media for reporting that she is "fuming mad" at Snoop, adding, "women are supposed to sit back and let men shit on them."
Following this, Snoop continued to post photos mocking Azalea, which led her to respond with the following tweet, which has since been deleted.
Snoop has now posted a truly disgusting video in which he says, "Say bitch, you fucking with the wrong n***er, and your n***er better check you before I do, you funky bitch, yeah you, you fucking cunt."
What started out as a middle-aged man making cruel, unfunny jokes about a fellow musician has now evolved into him making thinly-veiled violent threats against her. Stay classy, Snoop.