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by Ed Keeble | Photos by

Tags: The Smashing Pumpkins 

Billy Corgan sacked drummer Mike Byrne for 'twitching with ADD'

Mike Byrne was replaced by Tommy Lee on new album


Billy Corgan sacked drummer Mike Byrne for 'twitching with ADD' Photo:

Billy Corgan has explained the reasons behind drummer Mike Byrne's exit from The Smashing Pumpkins - stating that he was bored and 'twitching' with ADD. 

In typically cryptic fashion, Corgan discusses the reasons behind the firing through a series of analogies and images. The gist is that the young drummer (aged 19 when he joined in 2010), found The Smashing Pumpkins "boring" and stifled the recording of new material. Corgan also refers to Byrne being part of a new "twitch", ADD generation.

Read an extract from Corgan's statement below:

"Mike Byrne has taught me a lot about his generation. And watching the twitch up close, the ADD of it all, I’m starting to understand what he found boring about The Mighty SP. He wasn’t wrong. But he also wasn’t right, too.

Because the way to replace something is to best it, not join it’s shallow-pool ranks. And great musicians like MB are capable; if they are willing to stop looking into the shiny sun and wonder, quite rightly, what lies on the dark side of the moon.

Imagine this: was the deco world of the 30’s any less bright to that generation? Great art movements came, but also too the set-up for world war. How so?

Light meets shadow. See? Or shadow meets light.

And where there is glittering, yet false *illumination, we (the collective We) must destroy it by being more real, more true, more-more. It works every time IF you can pass the muster of your own oblivion; or yawn. Mix that with kinetic, electric, hyperbolic punk rock I-don’t give-a-fuck-how-you-do-it and maybe, just maybe, someone wakes the fuck up from that coma they’re in.

Repeat, generation. Repeat."

Smashing Pumpkins' new album Monuments To An Elegy is due for release on 9 December, and is the first of two new Pumpkins LPs due in the next year.

Below: Photos of The Smashing Pumpkins live in Amsterdam

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