The feud between Blink 182 members continues, with Travis Barker telling Tom DeLonge to "man up and quit the band".
Things are abviously coming to a head between the pair, after the remaining members of Blink announced Matt Skiba of Alkaline Trio would be replacing Tom. DeLonge has stubbornly refused to quit the band however, writing on Facebook: "I can't just slam the brakes and drop years of development."
"I think the right thing for him to do would [be to] just man up and quit the band instead of telling people he didn't quit and just be real with the fans," Barker told Alternative Nation. "I think that would give him some closure too and really do what he’s passionate about."
"Even amongst all the other projects I do, I can always find a way to prioritize and still be passionate about Blink-182 when it comes around," he added. "I love playing, listening and everything about punk rock. It changed my life. I think for Tom, he doesn't like punk music and it was a phase for him."
"I think this is the third time he’s quit without anyone knowing about it because we didn't announce the other times. But this is just the last straw," Barker continued. "It's just not cool for the fans. He'd always agree to go on huge tours and record albums, but when it came down to going into the studio, he’d find some excuse not to. And we wouldn't even hear from him; it would be his management. It comes to a point where you decide you're not going to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do and it's time to move on."
As previously reported, DeLonge will be releasing a collection of Blink and solo material. Promising to consist of "demos, odds and ends", the guitarist's new album will be released on 21 April via his personal website. DeLonge took to Instagram to explain that the album will conatain "New stuff, old stuff, all personal stuff- MY stuff.... But all completed and finished songs by the way".
Off the snippets of lyrics that can be heard on his site so far one key lyric that stands out includes "I'm gonna build a punk rock band" which may suggest he will address some of the issues that came about through the lifespan of Blink 182
DeLonge left Blink-182 unceremoniously early this year, when his band slammed him as "ungrateful" and "disrespectful." News broke of DeLonge's departure in January, after it was announced that they would be playing Musink Festival with Alkaline Trio's Matt Skiba instead of DeLonge.