Jack White has released a tongue-in-cheek drum tutorial video ahead of the latest Dead Weather album, Dodge and Burn. Watch it below.
This is the first in the series of Dead Weather instructional videos. Since the band have no plans to tour, they've have been forced to take alternative routes in order to promote their record.
And it's a fantastic idea. Jack White's ten minute tutorial sees the frontman/drummer explain the dynamics of the band to a mannequin, before proudly flaunting his Ludwig drumkit and tearing through a live version of 'Hang You From The Heavens' with backing from the rest of the band.
Watch Jack White's instructional drumming video below
Since White has more or less boycotted playing live, he's been spending his time working on this latest Dead Weather album and directing totally bizarre adverts for his record label merchandise.
Dodge and Burn is out September 25.