by Cohan Chew Contributor | Photos by wenn

Drop It Like It�s Hoth � some of the best #HipHopStarWars puns

The hip hop force is awakening on Twitter


The best Hip Hop Star Wars puns force awakens Twitter fans trailer Photo: wenn

With the seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise coming out just before Christmas, people have taken to Twitter to combine their excitement for The Force Awakens with their love of hip hop. It’s hilarious.

Using the hasthtag #HipHopStarWars on Twitter, Sith and Hoth are in contention for the most used pun, but both are equally as creatively cringeworthy as each other. Our favourites include ‘Ewok This Way’, ‘I got 99 problems but the sith ain’t one’ and ‘it’s getting Hoth in here’.

The new Star Wars installment has heightened everyone’s excitement, including McFly, BMTH and My Chemical Romance. They might all play different music, but have a shared Star Wars hysteria, as shown through their Twitter reaction to the trailer

Here's the best (and worst) of the hip hop Star Wars puns below:

Watch Fall Out Boy discussing Star Wars with Gigwise below

Below: Rockstars re-cast as Star Wars characters

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