With Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens just around the corner, the Internet has been sharing its favourite Star Wars remixes and they’re fantastic.
A new hope has arisen for EDM lovers who happen to be fans of the series. DJ knights have taken a machete to their favourite dance tracks and used the Force on them to create an alternative galaxy for the EDM world.
Darth Punk:
In this remix, Daft Punk, symbolised by their iconic robot helmets, have been transformed into Darth Vader and Boba Fett, AKA Darth Punk and Boba Funk. The Death Star’s superlaser disc has become a speaker and Darth Vader can be seen peddling a glowing low-rider Daft Punk-esque bicycle towing Boba Fett on a skateboard. Thanks Infectious Designer.
We No Speak Cantina:
This remix by G3RSt is a mashup of the famous Cantina theme and We No Speak Americano and it’s only taken until now to realise how similar the two are. In any case, it’s a fantastic remix.
The Hologram (Star Wars) - Binary Sunset (Coyote Kisses Dubstep Remix)
This one starts out as a with a familiar Star Wars theme but suddenly becomes the Star Wars that you used to know. The heavy drop and thick bass are perfect for releasing your phantom menace on a night out.
Yoda Yodel – Poga
Poga’s talent lies in taking scenes from films and turning them into an original remix of juxtaposed layers. Poga strikes back with this Yoda inspired remix.
Return of the Jedi – Darth & Vader:
This thumping remix has as much presence as Darth Vader himself. It’s loud, heavy and features Vader’s breathing. Ideal for a club, but probably not a suitable Imperial March substitute.
Admiral Akbar’s Cereal
Remixing the Robot Chicken ad with Admiral Akbar may seem random, but this mashup will certainly awaken you. The accompanying video mashup is also fantastic.
Rebels Theme (Flux Pavilion's The Ghost Remix/From "Star Wars: Rebels")
You can practically visualise lightsaber strobes flashing across the club floor when listening remix to the Rebels Theme.
Imperial March – Dirt Monkey
Perhaps one of the most ominous theme tunes in film history, the Imperial March has its own legacy. It may already be two years old, but Dirt Monkey’s remix of the iconic theme is one of the best. Just a warning, the drop in this remix is bigger than the drop Luke was hanging over.
Imperial March – Cellwellder
“You don’t know the power of the dark side” is looped across this remix and you certainly don’t know how dark the dark side is, until you’ve heard this. This Imperial March remix is dark. Really dark.