by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by Screenshot

Tags: David Bowie 

Tiffany Pollard gets confused, thinks fellow housemate David Gest is dead

Pollard became confused when Angie Bowie told her of David Bowie's death


Tiffany Pollard confused David Bowie for David Gest in Big Brother Photo: Screenshot

There's not been much reason to laugh since news of David Bowie's death emerged on Monday, but there is something somewhat farce-like about what happened on Celebrity Big Brother the other night.

After Angie Bowie, the musician's estranged ex-wife, was informed of the musician's passing, she confided in fellow housemate Tiffany Pollard - but things went badly wrong. "Tiff, you've got to do me a favour. You can't say a word. David's dead."

Unfortunately, given that housemate David Gest was in bed, ill, with the covers over his head, Pollard assumed Angie was talking about him - and began screaming, before running outside to tell the other contestants.

Watch Tiffany Pollard's confusion below

As the BBC reports, after more shouting and swearing, it became apparent that she had got things muddled. "You've got the wrong David," explained Eastenders' John Partridge.

Pollard subsequently apologised to Angie Bowie, saying, "I'm very sorry for your loss, I really am."

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