Former Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison has revealed that he was fired from the band via email because his bandmates believed that he was on drugs.
Jordison parted ways with the band in 2013, and the truth about why has been largely shrowded in mystery ever since. Frontman Corey Taylor said they were 'trying to protect him', before the drummer denied that he quit and added that he 'would never abandon his fans'.
Last week, Jordison went some way to revealing the true reason why he left the band. Speaking while on stage at the Metal Hammer Golden God Awards, he said, "I got really really sick with a horrible disease called transverse myelitis, I lost my legs. I couldn’t play any more. It was a form of multiple sclerosis, which I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy."
Now, speaking to Metal Hammer, Jordison has said, "No band meeting? None. Anything from management? No, nothing. All I got was a stupid fucking email saying I was out of the band that I busted my ass my whole life to fucking create.”
He continued, ”That's exactly what happened and it was hurtful. I didn't deserve that shit after what I'd done and everything I'd been through. They got confused about my health issues and obviously even I didn't know what it was at first. They thought I was fucked up on drugs, which I wasn't at all.
"I've been through so many things with those guys and I love them very much. What's hurtful is the way it went down was not fucking right. That's all I want to say. The way they did it was fucking cowardly. It was fucked up.”
He did, however, suggest that he would like to see his former bandmates again in the future: ”I’d want to see them, just hug it out and feel that energy that we had when we were fucking young and hungry and all that shit.”
Meanwhile, Slipknot are gearing up for a huge festival with Ozzy Osbourne later this month.