It has been announced that the Mod father, Paul Weller, is to play a show in support of Corbyn on behalf of Momentum in Brighton.
The show, which is to take place on 16 December in Brighton Dome, has also got the likes of Temples, Kathryn Williams, The Farm, Stealing Sheep, Jim Jones and The Righteous Mind, Edgar Summertyme, as well as, Ghetto Priest.
Paul Weller said of Corbyn: “I’m doing the gig because I like what Corbyn says and stands for,” said Weller. “I think it’s time to take the power out of the hands of the elite and hand it back to the people of this country. I want to see a government that has some integrity and compassion.”
Only recently Paul Weller commented on David Cameron bizzarely approving of The Jam's hit, 'Eton Rifles'. In an interview with Mojo, Weller despaired: “The whole thing with Cameron saying it was one of his favourite songs… I just think, Which bit didn’t you get?"
Weller also expressed his dismay at the fact that people ask him why he doesn't write more political songs in the same interview: “People say, Why don’t you write any more political songs? But I would just write exactly the same f**king things I wrote thirty-odd years ago."
He continued, "Every time they fire a missile in the Middle East, that’s 850,000 pounds, right? And then they talk about the NHS, f**king selling it off or it crumbling. So nothing’s really changed, has it?”
The show, which costs £25 a ticket, is part of a series called, "People Powered: Concerts For Corbyn", and has been organised by Rocksalts, in association with Momentum.