The observable universe, eh? Tough to squeeze into five minutes of music, you might think. But Canadian DJ Kid Koala felt up to the challenge, tackling the entire cosmos as just a small part of his new ambient album ‘Music To Draw To: Satellite’, the first in a series of records.
Featuring Icelandic singer Emilíana Torrini, the album – Kid Koala’s first non-sampled record - tells the story of a couple separated by a one-way mission to Mars, which we’ve found can tend to put a bit of a dampener on a relationship. To take his audiences out of their comfort zones too, he’s planning a series of gigs around the album in Canada and New York where the audience will each sit at their own turntable station playing vinyl and effects pedals at Kid Koala’s command. Which sounds both utterly brilliant and a bit like turning up watch Lady Gaga only to find that you’ll be the one strapped into the flying harness in a pancetta leotard that night.
So what does the observable universe sound like? A spacious ambient throb, some radio crackle and UFO wibble, a suitably cosmic repeating bass riff and, oh yes, what sounds like some intergalactic bagpipes…