Grandaddy's tour buddies Amber Arcades have unveiled the majestic new single, 'Can't Say That We Tried'. Check it out on Gigwise below.
The Amserdam-based band have put this song in their live set over the past few months, and have been teasing the fact it would be the next single. Now it's finally here, and it's well worth the wait. It's one of the most captivting slices of dream pop we've ever heard.
Singer Annelotte De Graaf's reverb-laden vocal melodies intertwine with a hypnotic organ sound played out a synth as clean delayed guitar clang's over the top to produce a warm inviting whole that induces the most hazy of moods.
The band released one of the album's of the year last year (number 12 to be precise) and the forthcoming EP looks like they're expanding their sound to a whole new level.
De Graaf says of the song: "I feel like a lot of times when I am attracted to a certain person or situation, it is not so much the person or situation itself but more my idea of what they represent, and this idea does not necessarily represent reality in any way. Getting to know people is scary because it necessarily requires you to bury your idealised version of a person and thereby bury a little piece of yourself or your childlike dreams maybe. But then again if you run away the moment someone doesn't seem to nicely conform to your idealised vision you can't really say you've tried or given anything a fair shot." Listen below...
Amber Arcades will play their biggest UK show to date tonight at Roundhouse as they support Jason Lytle's Grandaddy.