It'll make up part of a new compilation starring the best of Leeds talent
Jessie Atkinson
11:18 3rd July 2020

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Leeds band Dead Naked Hippies have shared a new single. 'Eyes Wide (Night Time Version)' is actually a reassembled version of their popular single 'Eyes Wide', and it's had quite the makeover.

As access to studios has been non-existent during the pandemic, Dead Naked Hippies have instead played with the tools they have available to them: home software and synths.

As a result, this new single is quite the departure for the band, taking them from raw and ready punk to glamorous, terrifying synth rock. It suits them.

Have a listen:

“Creating this track has been escapism for us in the current global situation and has snowballed into the creation of an alternate universe," singer Lucy Jowett said. 

The single will appear on the Come Stay With Me compilation: a colelction of thirteen tracks from the best of Leeds musical talent and released by Leeds label Come Play With Me.

Come Stay With Me compilation arrives 17 July via Come Play With Me

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Photo: Press