Seeing the light in a dark place
Dale Maplethorpe
14:53 13th January 2023

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Back in 2019, Ben Gregory’s band ‘Blaenavon’ was dissolving and he was receiving treatment in a psychiatric hospital. In what was most likely an incredibly dark time, he has been able to produce something light out of it, as he confirms it was during this period that what will be his first solo album started to come together. And if the new single ‘manifest*’ is anything to go by, it’s going to be a good one.

The song starts incredibly stripped back, with nothing but a plucked guitar and Ben’s gorgeous voice radiating through. From there, layer upon layer of the track is built up until the outro is so full and so energetic that it’s hard picking one element to focus on.

“’manifest*’ is about feeling fated to certain situation and lacking control over your own position in life,” he said, “it looks towards a potential future that is desired but unlikely, focused on a partner and an imagined future family.”

The songs comes out alongside an announcement that Ben is going to be releasing a solo album in April called ‘episode’. “Everything on ‘episode’ comes back to my struggle to interpret, or reinterpret, my life and its core relationships, after having my concept of reality revoked.”

You can listen to the new single ‘manifest*’ now


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Photo: Press