Photo: WENN.com
Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has confirmed plans to perform an eight hour gig in a Chicago teahouse, promising a set made entirely of improvised music. It sounds interesting to say the least.
The rock frontman will perform at Madame Zuzu's teahouse in Chicago on 28 February, with his huge set inspired by Herman Hesse's 1922 novel, Siddhartha. He will be making it up as he goes along.
Announcing the performance on Facebook, Corgan told fans:
"On 2//28 I'll be doing a show at Madame ZuZu's Teahouse; start time noon, and due to nature of performance it'll last 8-9 hours. So see http://MadameZuzus.com in coming days for details on seating and admissions.
"As with all our events there is no charge. Performance will be centered around an ambient/musical interpretation of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha; built by modular synthesis, on the fly. Readings of the text to go hand in hand with whatever is created; + the first @Hexistential poster, and event t-shirts too. Hope to see you there."
There is no news on plans for future Smashing Pumpkins material, despite confirmations in 2013 that work was underway on a new album.
Below: Smashing Pumpkins live at Sunfest Festival, West Palm Beach, 2013