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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg calls on rap community to help end gun violence

Rapper appeared at No Guns Allowed event


Snoop Dogg calls on rap community to help end gun violence


Snoop Dogg has called on rappers to help put an end to gun violence in the US at an event for the No Guns Allowed campaign.

The musician appeared at the event in San Francisco alongside MC Hammer and American football star Joe Montana.

"We are the voices that the youth listen to," he said. "They respect us, so we are the ones who actually can put a half pause on the gun violence when we speak as one as a whole rap community."

"I feel like the rappers rapping about gun violence has definitely depreciated" added the rapper at the event. "It's went down but we don't have an effect on the laws."

Watch Snoop Dogg/Lion and Drake 'No Guns Allowed' below

Established in response to the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, in which a man fatally killed 20 children and 6 staff at an elementary school in Connecticut, the No Guns Allowed campaign advocates common-sense gun laws and aims to keep young people away from guns.

The rapper's involvement in the campaign has raised a few eyebrows, with many quick to point out his criminal record and the use of gun imagery in his artwork.

Snoop Dogg's anti-gun song and music video, also called 'No Guns Allowed', which featured his daughter performing alongside him, was released last year.

Below: the 5 most ridiculous things Snoop Dogg has ever promoted

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