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by Gaby Whitehill

Tags: Parklife Festival

Man charged with attacking two people at Parklife Weekender

Lee Anthony Wong charged with GBH and ABH


Man charged with attacking two people at Parklife Weekender


A man has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm to one man and actual bodily harm to another at Manchester's Parklife Weekender.

In two seperate attacks, Lee Anthony Wong allegedly kicked one festival-goer in the head and punched another in the face. Wong will not receive bail, remaining in custody until he appears in court on July 8.

Police have stressed the charges have nothing to do with the death of Robert Hart, who died after being attacked at the festival's main stage whilst waiting for Snoop Dogg to perform. The police called the attack a "brutal assault".

It was reported that police had made their first arrest over Mr Hart's death at the weekend, with a 31-year-old male suspect remanded in custody for questioning. However, the police have provided no further updates on the arrest.

Meanwhile, Parklife have offered a reward of £20,000 for anyone who can provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the death of Mr Hart.


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