Photo: WENN
After a triumphant first night, which saw the likes of Interpol, Haim and The Black Keys take to the stage, day two of Poland's Open'er festival took things onwards and upwards yesterday (3 July).
Opening the main stage at 7pm (it's a 'start late, finish really late' kind of affair) were MGMT, who impressed with songs from all three of their albums. It was the tracks from early in their career though - 'Time to Pretend', 'Electric Feel' and 'Kids' - that provided a summery burst of nostalgia which further won round a crowd who were on the band's side from the start.
As we made our way past a hay bale tunnel that people were queueing patiently to go into (to do what, we have no idea), we were welcomed to the Here & Now stage by the unmistakable electronica sound of Mø , whose infectious, bursting hooks deserve to soundtrack the summer.
Mø threw herself around the stage, onto the floor and into the crowd with such frequency and fervour that she was covered in a sheen of joyous sweat from the first few notes. It was a set that was filled with a vibrant, unforced energy that the crowd couldn't help but catch onto.
Her brilliant cover of The Spice Girls' 'Say You'll Be There' towards the end of the set brought a brief moment of calm, before she concluded with the exhilarating 'Don't Wanna Dance' - a song title which, for Mø, is just a massive lie.
Pearl Jam's solid headline performance featured long, old-school guitar solos, which we might perhaps have described as self-indulgent were it not for the fact that every note whipped the crowd into a veritable frenzy.
The band also made several admirable attempts to speak Polish between songs, a feat which was met with roars of approval from the crowd. We have no idea what they were saying, but to be honest, we don't think they did either.
Open'er, which takes place in Gdynia, Poland, continues tonight with Foals, Jack White and Lykke Li, before coming to an end on 5 July. Check back at Gigwise tomorrow for our round-up of day three.