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by Ed Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Adele 

Adele allegedly negotiating new £80million record deal with Sony

The proposal could see the singer own her own label


Adele allegedly negotiating new £80million record deal with Sony Photo:

Adele is reportedley in negotiations with Sony for an £80 million record deal that could see her land her own label. 

According to The Mirror, the lucrative singer is in talks to leave XL, her home for the last eight years, responsible for the publishing of the hugely successful albums 19 and 21. Adele's management are said to be looking for £100 million from Sony to buy out of her contract and relocate for the release of her third album. It could also see her embark on a world tour if it goes through.

“Sony want Adele and they will stop at nothing to get her,” a source told the paper. “The money is absolutely huge but they hope she will sign for her own label. It means she’ll keep a higher percentage of profits from record sales and the proposed tour.

“She has never been on the road before so it will be a huge money-spinner and likely to sell out within hours. All of the signs are there that Adele will go to Sony and it would be a massive coup.”

Listen to 'Someone Like You' by Adele below

The news follows on from XL's announcement, revealed by a financial declaration, that Adele won't be releasing a new album until 2015. So far there has been no comment from either Sony or XL.

 Below - The making of an icon: A timeline of Adele's illustrious career

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