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by Andy Morris | Photos by WENN

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is being chased by Interpol (not the band)

Pop tearaway may be forced to return to Argentina


Justin Bieber is being chased by Interpol (not the band)

Photo: WENN

Argentinian officials are calling on Justin Bieber to be returned to Argentina by "any means necessary."

Fresh from paying out $80,0000 for egging a neighbour's house, Justin Bieber has been threatened with further legal action, this time from a Buenos Aires’ Ink nightclub.

The Guardian reports that an Argentinian magistrate has called on Interpol (no, not Paul Banks' band)  to use all “necessary means” to summon Justin Bieber to a Buenos Aires court.

Bieber has been accused of assault by Diego Pesoa, a photographer, who claims that on 9 November Bieber ordered his security guards to attack him. Magistrate Facundo Cubas said Bieber will face arrest if he does not submit his testimony about the incident within the next 60 days. If the fresh faced controversy magnet does not then return to the country, the magistrate threatened to issue an international warrant for his arrest. He risks a year in jail if found guilty.

"Bieber has to come to Argentina, and it won’t be to sing,” Matias Morla, Pesoa’s lawyer, told C5N TV. 

Earlier this year Bieber was arrested in January on DUI charges after he was caught allegedly taking part in a drunken drag race in Miami, and subsequently resisted arrest. According to Us Weekly, these charges will be dropped provided Bieber attended a regular anger management course.

The singer was also recently charged with assaulting a limo driver in Toronto, and avoided charges related to a robbery, after he allegedly tried to snatch the mobile phone of a woman who had taken his picture.

It's worthy pointing out at this point that Bieber's Twitter bio remains, "Let's make the world better, together".

Below: Justin Bieber brawls with London photographers outside London hotel

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