The ongoing feud over cultural appropriation between Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks has escalated further, with Banks accusing Azalea of being a white minstrel (among many other things.)
In an interview with HOT97 earlier in the week, Banks broke down while discussing the prominent appropriation of black culture in America.
“That Macklemore album wasn’t better than Drake’s record,” she told HOT97. “That Iggy Azalea shit is not better than any black girl that’s rappin’ today. The Grammys are supposed to be accolades of artist excellence. Iggy Azalea is not excellent.”
She continued: “All it says to white kids is like ‘oh yeah, you’re great, you’re amazing, you can do whatever you put your mind to,’ And it says to black kids, 'you don’t have shit, you don’t own shit, not even the shit you created for yourself.' And, it makes me upset.”
Watch HOT97's Azealia Banks interview below
Azalea subsequently responded to Banks' remarks, writing on Twitter: "Special msg for Banks: There are many black artists succeeding in all genres. The reason you haven't is because of your piss poor attitude. Your inability to be responsible for your own mistakes, bullying others, the inability to be humble or have self control. It's YOU! You created your own unfortunate situation by being a bigot and don't have the mental capacity to realize yet. Probably never will."
She continued, "Now! rant, Make it racial! make it political! Make it whatever but I guarantee it won't make you likable & THATS why ur crying on the radio. You're poisonous and I feel genuinely sorry for you because it's obvious at this point you are a MISERABLE, angry human being. Regards!"
Banks has now hit back at Azalea in a further series of tweets.
Dear LordT, I Pray for this Clueless White Girl.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
None of this will make sense to her until she herself has children with a black man and has to deal with having black children in America
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
Itchy Areola, you are so stupid and selfish to make any of this about yourself in particular,
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
My tears had absolutely nothing to with you and everything to do with society and the media in general.
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
@Iggyazalea do you know what a minstrel is? Because that's what you are.....
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
@iggyazalea this is you pic.twitter.com/oe6YMGff0w
— CATTY NOIR (@AZEALIABANKS) December 19, 2014
This is far from the first time the two rappers have clashed. When a jury decided not to indict the police officer responsible for killing Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, in an unathorised chokehold, Banks criticised Azalea's silence on the matter.