Hackers collective Anonymous have threatened to release proof of Iggy Azalea's rumoured sex tape, unless she apologises to Azealia Banks.
Taking the race row between Azalea and her fellow rapper to strange new heights, the notorious hacker group have stated they will release still images that prove the Iggy Azalea sex tape is real unless she says sorry.
The group believe that Azalea has been: “guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner's death," and have thus launched this campaign against her.
Anonymous have stated that they will not release the full video as they "have values to live by" and "are not in the business of pleasing 13-year old boys and their fantasies.", but have argued that the alleged sex tape is merely one small piece of the information they have on the rapper.
See the series of tweets from Anonymous below:
MESSAGE: @IGGYAZALEA, you have exactly 48 hours from now to release a statement apologizing to @AzealiaBanks and the protesters in NYC...
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
MESSAGE:@IGGYAZALEA if you do not do so, the memory of you will burn from the public faster than the moment you surfaced. We're not kidding.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
You are guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner's death. @IGGYAZALEA
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Let the record show, we have presented evidence. Exhibits A, C, and F: pic.twitter.com/YpQdDcMZw7
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
There's an X rated tape of you, we bet you'd certainly don't want public, are we right? @IGGYAZALEA....and this is nothing. Comply or else.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
All we ask from you is that you comply with our demands. Failing to do so will grant you a one-way ticket to a life of suffering @IGGYAZALEA
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Now about that sex tape. We wont release the actual video. We have values to live by.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
However, we will release various snapshots of her face to confirm. The idea is not about releasing nudes. This shows nothing.
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014
Azalea herself is yet to comment on the threats, nor make the requested apology, however further details are expected to be revealed soon.