A Swedish man has managed to convince the authorities to give him disability benefits for his "heavy metal addiction".
The news, which conjures up images of a rocker leaving his desk job to go desperately headbang the a toilet cubicle, regards 42-year-old Roger Tullgren. After consulting various doctors, he was diagnosed with an extraordinary need for the heavy stuff and as a result has been unable to hold down a job.
"I have been trying for 10 years to get this classified as a handicap," Tullgren said, reports Global Post. "I spoke to three psychologists and they finally agreed that I needed this to avoid being discriminated against."
Currently, Roger is holding down a part-time job as a dishwasher in Hassleholm, with his employer allowing him to dress how he likes. Additionally his wage is subsidized by the disability benefit.
"I signed a form saying: 'Roger feels compelled to show his heavy metal style," said his boss This puts him in a difficult situation on the labour market. Therefore he needs extra financial help'. So now I can turn up at a job interview dressed in my normal clothes and just hand the interviewers this piece of paper".
No excuse us while we all claim addictions to music, food, lie-ins and Fridays.