There are very few upsides to the torrent of unpleasant, mean-spirited and offensive comments made by people on the internet. One of them is Jimmy Kimmel's Mean Tweets feature. Watch it below.
The second special music edition of the feature, in which celebrities read out ludicrously mean tweets about themselves while R.E.M.'s 'Everybody Hurts' plays in the background, features Haim, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga, Sia, Jessie J, Iggy Azalea and more.
Haim's was particularly unpleasant,"Let's face it, the girls from Haim are ugly as fuck and perform like they're orgasming." Thankfully, they took it well. Alana Haim read it out, before adding, "I kind of like that though."
Watch Mean Tweets - Mudic Edition #2 below
Other high/lowlights include: "The weather in New York City right now is like a young Britney Spears: pretty hot, kinda gross."