"Glastonbury," muses Wolf Alice's Theo Ellis, "is kind of like going to sixth form. You feel your way round and you don't know where the fucking toilets are, and it's really nerve-wracking." We're not sure what school Ellis went to, but we can't imagine that it ended - as the band's Glastonbury set did - with him throwing himself into a crowd of adoring fans to be held triumphantly aloft.
Watch our video interview with Wolf Alice below
While their debut album, My Love Is Cool, was butting heads with heavyweight Florence + The Machine for the No.1 spot, Wolf Alice were playing arguably the biggest set of their career to an intimidatingly large crowd at Glastonbury Festival.
Despite their initial nerves though, they say, "It was a privilege to play the Park Stage. It pissed it down but the set was really fun, and the response has been really nice so far, from everything that I've looked... and trolled."
Watch Wolf Alice talk to Gigwise about Glasto, Drenge and that Kim K flag below
Not ones to just sit in the artists' area enjoying the open bar, as their Glastonbury video diary attested, the band also ventured out into the general chaos to watch some of the other acts on the line-up.
Drummer Joel Amey didn't see Kanye West's set - he went to see Parliament-Funkadelic with his mum and auntie instead - but Ellis did ("Love it. Amazing") and both have an opinion on that Kim Kardashian flag.
"I really morally disagree with that," says Ellis. "I think that is actually horrible. If someone were to have a flag of me doing a sex tape. Fuck that. Also I haven't got the confidence to be involved in film, and/or sexual things."
Wolf Alice's debut album, My Love Is Cool, is out now.Their upcoming UK tour dates are below. For tickets and information, visit here.
This summer sees them also play Latitude Festival from 16-19 July. For tickets and information, visit here.