Your new silly-pop star
Evie Gower
15:49 16th January 2023

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Blossom Caldarone is going to be a star - that’s for sure. With songs finding inspiration from the mundane, day-to-day living of a twenty-something year old, she doesn’t avoid the awkward parts of life.

We sat down to chat with her about her new EP, Maybe In Love (Maybe Not) and the conflicting inspirations behind it

Your recent track ‘Fridge Space’ is such a fun pop tune about the trials of modern dating….

Yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted to get across. I think the message of getting shit people out of your life is so important. 

It’s clear you’re inspired by self-empowerment. Is there more of this on the new EP?

Definitely. I think it’s a way of showing how I’m shedding my skin? I’ve moved on from my teenage years and my twenties have really started to show me how I’m rethinking my life and the importance of what and who I associate myself with. 

Without giving too much away about the EP - what songwriters have you taken further inspiration from?

I love songwriters who are explicit in how they feel. Nick Cave is one of my favourites because his lyrics are so personal but embody that artsy feel I want to get across too. How he feels isn’t really left up to interpretation - you can tell his feelings from tone and lyrics, and that’s what I want to achieve. I’ve always been a big storyteller, it’s a big extension of my personality. It comes naturally to me, and I think that Nick Cave has the same kind of expression within his songs - I’ve definitely tried to embody that!

On a total flip-side from Nick, we know you work with comedians a lot! How do they help with your songwriting? 

I admire how open comedy is. Comedians have a way of explicitly showing their emotions and experiences with humour, and I’m constantly impressed by how they do it. A lot of the new songs are about my feelings, but I couldn’t do stand-up. That openness is what I’m trying to show in my lyrics, to be more vulnerable while making it fun. 

What lessons have you learned in your twenties that you’ve put into the EP? 

Honestly, I think most of what I’ve learned has been through mistakes I’ve made. I’ve had to learn that what I say and do really matters. It has a bigger impact than just on me; my place in the world and the effects my actions have, have been some lessons I immediately put to song. 

When did you start writing these songs? 

It’s funny, actually - some were written back in 2020, in the first lockdown and over that summer. I’m so intrigued to see how people react to songs that I recorded two and a half years before its release, and compare them to recently written songs. I have a show on February 16th and I can’t wait to see how they all sound live, and if there’s a big difference in how I perform them. 

That sounds fantastic - we’ll leave on one last question. Can you tell us the theme of the EP? 

It’s really just a documentation of the ups and downs of life. Nothing is ever entirely happy, or entirely sad, and I want to get that realism across in my songs. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it!

Maybe In Love (Maybe Not) arrives January 18th

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Photo: Matt Chapman