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by Kristi Genovese

Tags: Malcolm Middleton 

Sleight Return: Malcolm Middleton


Sleight Return: Malcolm Middleton Photo:

How many people do you know who grew up with heavy metal, were in a punk band, like Girls Aloud and now play only acoustic? None? Well now you can put Malcolm Middleton in the pigeon hole.  It’s only been two years since he took to the lonely solo road away from former band Arab Strap and he’s already got four albums hidden up his kilt. Last week saw the release of Sleight of Heart which amazingly only took 5 days to record! Surely working that intensely doesn’t go swimmingly? “The recording this time was easier than normal. Yes it is very stressful sometimes but there are a lot of highs as well”

Despite singing beautifully in his own accent he isn’t a fan of the London singers. You know the type. Kate Nash to The Enemy to Hard Fi. We’ve all heard it. But in his defence Malcolm adds “It’s the Libertines yeah. It’s amazing how much they’ve inspired people in such a short time” Talking of short time, Malcolm’s first major solo single ‘We’re All Going To Die’ was the fourth favourite to become number 1 so are there any songs on the new album we can expect the same success from? “I think Blue Plastic Bags is a strong song but my personal favourites would be 'Week Off' and 'Total Bliss'”

So why DID he go down the guitar loving route? “I’ve been playing guitar for twenty years now since I was 14 and it’s just something that works. I first learnt to play some Iron Maiden. Even though I used to always get told I was crap and had no musical talent” So it could perhaps be due to this low self confidence as to why he began to cover people. On Sleight of heart there’s a lovely rendition of Madonna’s Stay and a King Creosote cover. “I’ve got a good cover of N trance set you free too.” He’s not always a fan learning somebody else’s songs though as they make him sound like a pub singer.

Obviously when you venture into the solo world there are going to be differences, some that are good and others that keep you up at night when you realise you’re not as good without your band. Ahem Paul McCartney.  “For me I think I enjoy it more because you can do anything and have more freedom but I do sometimes miss Aidan. But without songs there’s no recording so we ask Malcolm what his inspirations for writing are “ I just have a notebook full of my thoughts and then pick something and I make sure it doesn’t sound the same as any other songs. You can then be creative in the studio”
His favourite Scottish artists are Mogwai and Glasvegas and regarding new bands its all about Foals and Band Of Horses for Malcolm. Interestingly he doesn’t have a bad word to say about anyone either so there’s no gossip as to which bands he hates we’re afraid. He doesn’t even mind manufactured artists. “It’s fine. There’s a place for them and a lot of people like it.” When it comes to punk these days though he only goes as far as Jeffery Lewis.
So for already existing fans of Malcolm Middleton expect something more easy going and not as intense and upbeat as his previous material. Could this be through age? “Well my writings changed. I’ve been in a steady relationship for 6 years now so my songs aren’t how they used to be.

His tour begins on the 22nd March in Belfast and wraps up in Tokyo on the 18th May. A change of scenery  from the Scottish hills then. “I think what I’ll miss the most about Scotland is Iron Bru”  Oh, and can somebody in Exeter please buy a ticket for his show so he can get into double numbers!  He’s been getting threats from New Zealand to play so where’s your support!

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