by Heather Nash Staff | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Michael Jackson 

Michael Jackson Molestation charges dropped

Court says Wade Robson took too much time to file lawsuit


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Michael Jackson Molestation lawsuit has been dismissed Photo: Wenn
Michael Jackson's molestation lawsuit has been dismissed after a LA judge ruled that choreographer Wade Robson, who had originally made the charges, waited too long to file the lawsuit against Jackson's estate. As Rolling Stone reports, Robson had previously sworn to the court under oath that Jackson had never molested him, back in 2005 when allegations of Jackson and sexual misconduct started to appear. In 2013, Robson amended his previous statement, claiming that Jackson had in fact molested him for a period of around seven years, starting when Robson was just seven years old in 1990. This refuted by Jackson's representatives. Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff justified his decision, stating that Robson could only claim "for a reasonable time period after any violence, intimidation or threatening conduct by the decedent ceases." Since there was a period of 16 years between the occurences and Robson making his charges, the lawsuit was dropped. During the 16 years in-between Robson hade even supported Jackson amongst other allegations of molestation, even against testifying witnesses, saying "I'm very mad about it... It's not true and they put my name through the dirt." Apparently a hypnotherapy session in 2012 revealed Robson's treatment by the singer, where he began to realise that he had in fact been molested by the singer, and talked of the sexual activity he was subjected to. Robson sates that the revelations are having a continuing detrimental effect on his emotional, physical and psychological health. There are plans by Robson to appeal the court's decision. Robson's attorney Maryann Marzano will continue representing him, and said in a statement; "We are confident that when all the facts are presented in civil court, there will be no doubt left about just what kind of sexual predator Jackson was." 
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