by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by Screenshot

Tags: Nirvana 

Someone dropped a shovel and it sounded just like Nirvana

'Smells Like Teen Shovel'


Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit shovel drop video goes viral Photo: Screenshot

If, at any point before 2005, a man dropped a shovel on the floor, the incident would have gone unnoticed, unrecorded, buried in obscurity along with the hundreds of thousands of other times in history a man has dropped a shovel on the floor. This is 2015, though.

As such, one man's seemingly unremarkable shovel drop was caught on camera (because if you're not filming something, is it really happening?), and an eagle-eared Nirvana fan noticed that it sounded exactly like the opening guitar riff of 'Smells Like Teens Spirit'.

We really can't explain it any further than that, so we'll just let the video, which is approaching 3 million views in less than a week, do the talking (playing).

Watch 'Smells Like Teen Shovel' below

This even beats that time when the Jubilee line ticket barrier sounded like Blur's 'Song 2'.

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