Something of a dream come true for the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer, Calum Hood, last night. Blink 182's two original members, Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus were in the studio with EDM DJ Steve Aoki.
Aoki posted a picture on Instagram, whilst tweeting another of him and Calum Hood and with Mark Hoppus, Travis Barker, Hood and pop-punk producer, John Feldmann.
Some serious home brew we cookin up in the kitchen @blink182 @5SOS @travisbarker @markhoppus @JohnFeldy @liluziaoki pic.twitter.com/YMYTsLlkWA
— Steve Aoki (@steveaoki) March 22, 2016
Aoki said on Instagram that he is working on something epic, and with Hood in the picture it’s not hard to guess who he is actually working with.
This isn’t the first time that Aoki has worked with drummer, Travis Barker, though. He worked with Barker back in 2011 on the track, ‘Misfits’. Feldmann, however, has already worked with 5SOS on their two albums, producing and co-writing.
It is uncertain what the musicians were all doing together, as Blink 182 are said to be in the studio with Feldmann working on their first album with new member, Matt Skiba.
But much speculation is suggesting that this image was probably taken during a break on a side project that they are all invested in. There is still hope of a new Blink 182 album though, as they are in the studio with John Feldmann and Barker has lavished the band’s new singer with much praise in the past, saying: "Matt’s killing it".