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by James Moore

Chance the Rapper and Lil B hint at collaboration album

Chance and Based God join forces


chance the rapper and lil b collaborative album Photo:

Influential rappers, Chance the Rapper and Lil B have collaborated to create what they've described as a "freestyle album."

The Chicago rapper has become infamous for engaging in fairly baffling collaborations, sharing studios with the likes of Skrillex and Justin Bieber. However, this collab is about as left field as they come. The rapper shared an image on his Instagram account yeserday, formerly announcing an album he has completed with none other than Lil B himself. The artist stated, "Made an album with Lil B." 

Whether he's placing curses on NBA players or spreading messages of joy and peace across the internet, the Based God is always pushing the envelope one way or another. This meeting of minds appears to be no exception.

Below is a brief snippet captured via Chance's Snapchat account:

Chance recently released his collaborative album with Donnie Trumpet and the Social Experiment for free.

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