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by Will Butler | Photos by Emma Viola Lilja

Tags: Johnny Marr, The Smiths 

Johnny Marr pays tribute to manager: 'Without him there would be no Smiths'

Guitar hero pays tribute to the incredible Joe Moss


Johnny Marr pays tribute to past smiths manager, Photo: Emma Viola Lilja

The Smiths' former manager, Joe Moss, has passed away at the age of 72 after a battle against cancer. Johnny Marr has paid tribute to the late manager.

Moss managed the Manchester quartet from the beginning until he parted ways with them in late 1983 around the time of the release of their seminal single 'This Charming Man' on the evening of the band's first ever US tour.

He relinked with Johnny Marr in 1999 and worked with the solo artist until his death earlier this week.

In a statement, Johnny Marr said of his former manager: "Joe was a one off, an amazing person and totally unique."

"He started looking after me when I was 17; it was Joe who put the idea in my head to go and knock on Morrissey's door. He invested his time and money in us when no one else wanted to know, and his belief in us kept us going."

"Without him there wouldn't have been any Smiths. He was an original beatnik and a true bohemian, respected by all. Everyone who met him loved him; he can never be replaced."

Moss is survived by his children David, Rachel, Ivan, Stella, Edie and his wife Sarah. Rest in peace, Joe Moss

 Listen to The Smiths' 'Asleep' below

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