by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by wenn

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan admits assaulting police + cabin crew

She could now face a prison sentence


Zombie Linger Dreams Cranberries star Dolories O'Riordan admit assault Photo: wenn

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan, of 'Zombie', 'Linger' and 'Dreams' fame, has pleaded guilty to assaulting police and aeroplane staff - and could now face a prison sentence. 

O'Riordan appeared in court in West Ireland yesterday, where she remained silent while her lawyer said she accepted evidence of the assault and obstruction charges facing her after an alleged psychotic episode, reports Billboard

The court heard from an Aer Lingus cabin attendent who testified that the singer stomped on her ankle as they flew from New York to Ireland in November 2014. It is also said that she spat in the faces of police, headbutting one and kicking others

Judge Patrick Durcan ordered The Cranberries star to writer letters of apologies to the victims, with her sentence to follow next year. O'Riordan could face anything from a cash fine to six months' jail time. 

The Cranberries have sold over 40 million albums over their career.

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