by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by WENN

Tags: David Bowie, Kanye West 

The petition to stop Kaye West's Bowie tribute album has blown up

The petition has had nearly 7,000 signatures in less than 24 hours


Kanye West David Bowie tribute album petition gets 7,000 signatures Photo: WENN

Yesterday, we reported that a petition to stop Kanye West recording a David Bowie tribute album had reached just over 300 signatures. Well, it's less than 24 hours later, and it's reached nearly 7,000.

It all started when reports broke that West has been in the studio recording covers of Bowie classics, including 'Changes', 'Rebel Rebel' and 'Heroes'. Bowie passed away just over a week ago after fighting a secret, 18-month battle with cancer, and this was said to be West's way of paying tribute.

Unsurprisingly, given some people's alarming levels of vitriol when it comes to Kanye, the news didn't go down very well with everyone. Bowie fan Peter Piranha set up a petition to "stop Kanye West recording covers of David Bowie songs." At the time of writing, it's had 6,997 signatures.

"The fact this self obsessed moron thinks he is worthy of singing Bowie's songs sickens me," writes one signee. "West offers nothing to the world unless its going to add to his wealth!!"

"Kanye West is an imbecile," writes another. "He has no ability to write music or create anything original. He is merely cashing in on Bowie's death and would contribute nothing to the musical landscape."

Incidently, that bit about him not being able to write music or create anything original is categorically untrue.


Below: 13 times Kanye West has had something important to say

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