by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by Press

Sony unveil Concept N 'earless' headphones

Is this the future?


Sony Concept N earless headphones necklace for running with microphone Photo: Press

Sony believe that they may have found the future of headphones - unveiling their new Concept N set which don't actually come in contact with the ears at all. 

Unveiled at SXSW this week during their Future Lab Program, the Concept N 'headphones' are somewhat of a revalation in that they sit around the neck with built-in multi-directional speakers sending sound up towards the ears to allow the listener to hear the music at a high quality while still being able to heard other external noise - working towards making a better experience for running, commuting and travelling. 

They also come with a microphone to be voice controlled and have a built in camera. Check out the demonstration below. 

As The Verge reports, while it 'feels like a finished product', the set is still in a prototype stage as their as some kinks and issues to be resolved, however it is hoped that Concept N could hit the shelves later this year. 

Below: 14 ridiculous music gadgets to make your life better

Andrew Trendell

Staff Editor

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