At a hilariously titled “Mommy Mingle, Daddy Dance” class, held in San Diego each Dad, with a baby fully strapped to themselves, performed a hilarious, and choreographed dance to Wild Cherry’s classic, 'Play That Funky Music'.
Here, Daddy-and-me classes are being taken to the next level. And, while the men claimed to be no experts, they still did a pretty decent job of "dancin’ and singin’ and movin’ to the groovin".
The video has already amassed over 5 million hits, in what is becoming a fast viral smash. It's of little surprise really, especially when you consider the main ingredients of: cute babies, dad-dancing, and a stunning tune.
You can even hear the ecstatic Mums cheering in the background. We've got to say some of the fathers do look a little more into it (e.g. green-shirted dad) than others - I'm looking at you tank top dad front-right.