OK, we get it - you had the best weekend of your life, you don't want to forget it and you wear your wristband like a badge of honour. But don't be 'that guy'. Don't collect them to cover your entire forearm for years to come. Not only is it pretty embarrassing, but it's also filthy - according to science.
Would you wear the same t-shirt without ever taking it off for three years on end? Of course not. Why? Because that's disgusting.
As found by NME, a new study by Dr. Allison Cottell of the University Of Sussex found that a two-year-old wristband contained “a concentration of around 9,000 micrococci and 2,000 staphylococci bacteria on them”.
That sounds pretty frightening, doesn't it?
“Staphylococci are usually harmless although they can cause boils and infections of cuts and grazes, and can also cause a form of acute food poisoning if they are ingested," Dr Cottell told Science Dump. "It would be advisable not to wear them if working in industries such as healthcare or food preparation, where there is a risk that the bacteria may spread to other people.”
You hear that? You're not only a danger to fashion, but to the safety of others. Cut it off. Cut it off now.