Do you know the song ‘Amen Brother’ by The Winstons? No? Well we can almost guarantee you’ll recognise at least seven seconds of it.
The B-side, released by the funk and soul group in 1969, went fairly unnoticed upon its initial release, overshadowed by its A-side, ‘Color Him Father’. And yet, as Mental Floss points out, it’s since become possibly the most sampled song of all time.
A seven second drum solo performed by G.C. Coleman partway through the song has gone on to be sampled by the likes of David Bowie, Oasis, NWA, Salt-N-Pepa, and many, many more.
Sadly, the group never received royalties from any of the samples - but last year, two British DJs raised £24,000 for Richard Spencer, the band’s frontman and only surviving member.