22-year-old singer/producer Goldwash is one of the most exciting new recording artists we’ve discovered this year. We are truly delighted to present his latest astounding new offering, ‘LDR’.
Taken from the LA based musicians forthcoming debut EP, it looks set to continue to catapult Goldwash into the stratosphere, after he’s already made onto the Spotfy Top 5 Global Viral chart with 'Need To Hear'.
Goldwash, real name Gabe Acheson, grew up inspired by left-field hip hop and Baltimore’s experimental music scene, and studied jazz and classical piano. His musical expertise has helped him create unique, atmospheric, slick, and soulful sounds that fans of Kaytranada and James Blake will admire.
Of the making of the track Goldwash had this to say: “I had just pulled several all-nighters to finish up my work in my senior year of college. After turning in my thesis in the morning, I met up with some friends and went to hang out in the woods to celebrate the glorious weather and our statuses as former students. I was wandering among the trees, deliriously tired, and I started to think about how the person I loved was living with a spiritual cult on the opposite side of the world. I realized that even if we were thinking of each other, the different circumstances of our lives had created a deep chasm between us.
“At this point, I’d cut an early demo for LDR, but after this strange day of reflection I knew that the track had to become more intimate. When I added piano and the outro, the song finally told my story: reminiscing about emotional unity from a great distance, and how strange it feels to be so disconnected. I hope LDR captures the sheer weirdness and sadness of that day.”
Discover more about Goldwash below