Last night, as Lady Gaga performed live and made a speech in aid of Hillary Clinton, the internet went mental.
But of course, Gaga outshined her own speech with her choice of attire, as some onlookers seemed to think the worst of Gaga's best intentions.
It was clear as day that Gaga was dressed the same as Michael Jackson was when he visited the White House many moons ago.
Yet, people decided that Gaga was of course making a political statement by supposedly dressing like a Nazi.
What is even more disconcerting is the fact that amidst the conspiricies that Clinton is in fact a lizard alien, that she dressed as though she was ready to be beemed up there and then.
In fact, even as Gaga says, "I want you to fight for your future and to fight for you children", she kind of sounds like one of the aliens in The Simpsons.
Or the way Gaga even says, "She is ready to restore peace in this country", you are kind of expecting her to say world.
It was a weird, and seamingly awkward speech, made by someone who had on the spot come under fire for yet another interesting choice in wardrobe.
Nonetheless, we are left with the idea that America will either be governed by Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton... The Lizard Queen.