The wave of artists releasing music especially in response to the "unnatural disaster" of Trump's presidency continues. The best one we've heard so far comes from this stunning collaboration between CocoRosie and ANOHNI.
The cut is called 'Smoke Em Out' and features some of CocoRosie's charming weird folk sounds and plenty of the dark atmospheric soundscapes that makes ANOHNI'S awesome debut album, Hopelessness, so good.
They also take on roles as co-vocalists allowing the listener to hear both artists unique, awesome voices in this high-tempo synth pop/hip hop/dystopian orchestra music.
The cut comes as Coco Rosie are working on a new album. This is ANOHNI'S only collaboration with them on it that we know of but the sound they've got going with her as a guest is exciting. It hints that the full album and follow up to 2015's Heartache City is bound to make a huge impact.
Read CocoRosie's statement below which confirms they're working on an album.
“Today we share a new song to inspire the weary-disappointed hearts of so many crest-fallen citizens. We just started working on a new album, but ‘Smoke ’em Out’ begged to be turned loose on the world now, as a means of participation during these turbulent yet invigorating times. Joined on guest vocals by our fellow Future Feminist ANOHNI, ‘Smoke ’em Out’ welcomes the new character who will be occupying the White House with a mob of women and children armed with forks and knives. In the wake of this unnatural disaster, we feel a call to rise, shout, and burn the house down. The future is female.
peace, Bianca & Sierra Casady”
Elsewhere, Green Day also released a protest lyric video yesterday (16 January). The clip to 'Troubled Times' sees Trump's ace hair flickering like a roaring hellish fire under his red cap. The video shows images of KKK, animated black tears spilling from a picture of Martin Luther King Jr's eyes, footage of the civil rights movement protests and other evocative animation.
Green Day's focus lyrically seems to hone in on one of the key fears lots of that have cropped up time and time again; that's of history repeating itself. The band are expressing fears of a return to the 1930s with the rise of the far-right in mainstream politics not something to take lightly.