The twisted minds behind soaring viral hit 'What Does The Fox Say' Ylvis don't appear to be going anywhere as they're back with new video 'Massachusetts'. Check it out below.
Hailing from Norway the musical comedy act have certainly made a name for themselves during the past month, amassing a huge 150 million views on their international hit. Now, the duo who host a variety show in their native Norway appear to be capitalising on their new found fame in America by creating a tribute to the state of 'Massachusetts'.
The video takes a different tone to 'What Does The Fox Say' instead mimicking the style of a tourism infomercial as the group sing the praises of what is apparently their favourite place. Why do they like the state so much, listing their favourites, including blue jeans, flannels, brie, the Boy Scouts of Attleboro, the Staring Dogs of Suffolk County, Nelson Mandela's home, and 'that one guy named Bruce'. If this sounds adbundantly random, well that we guess that's the point.
Check out the video below