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by Ed Keeble

Tags: Prince

'Prince pulled out of Glastonbury due to social media rumours of appearance', says Eavis

Speculation didn't do Michael Eavis any favours


'Prince pulled out of Glastonbury due to social media rumours of appearance', says Eavis


Festival boss Michael Eavis has revealed that Prince pulled out of a potential Glastonbury appearance due to rumours on social media that he was going to play.

The comments were posted in an interview with The Guardian, conducted by Henry Holland, which revealed that the 'Kiss' hitmaker was spooked by the churning of the rumour mill. While Eavis did attempt to keep a lid on things, the news did get out, with sources confirming to Gigwise that Metallica and Prince were in the running for the festival

"We wanted him to play," said Eavis, "and it got to the point where his people were talking to us about him doing it, but before he confirmed he got really upset because he thought we had advertised that he was playing."

 Listen to 'Kiss' by Prince below

"We hadn't, but with social media, rumours get everywhere, and one of those rumours was that Prince was coming, so he didn't want to do it in the end," Eavis continued. "All the social media chit-chat now about who might be playing really doesn't help us."

In more exciting news, Prince has revealed that he has two new albums in the running, including a track named after the "this could be us" meme. 

 Below: Glastonbury 2014 - who could play a secret show?

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