Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue service has issued a warning to festival goers heading to Glastonbury this weekend, against driving to or from the festival under the influence of drink or drugs.
A statement has been issued, warning anyone driving to the festival to minimise their consumption before driving, adding that drivers on drugs are easy to spot by police - and that penalties for the offence are the same as drink driving.
"Drugs have an involuntary effect on the eyes that cannot be controlled," says a spokesperson for Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue service. "This is just one of the many ways police can spot drug drivers - they can arrest you at the roadside if they have good reason to think you have been driving whilst unfit through drugs.
"The penalties for drug driving are the same as drink driving."
"There is no excuse for driving over the limit. You may think you can handle your drink but alcohol affects everybody's driving for the worse," the spokesperson continued. "It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult while at the same time slowing down your reactions so it takes longer to stop.
Adding that drivers are likely to still be over the limit on the Monday morning after the festival, the spokesperson added:
"Beware the morning after you could be over the legal limit many hours after your last drink, even if it's the 'morning after'. Sleep, coffee and cold showers will not help to sober you up - time is the only way to get alcohol out of your system."
Below: Glastonbury essentials - what you need to pack