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by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Tags: Glastonbury Festival

Eavis: 'Glastonbury won't be screening World Cup because it's a music event'

Emily explains why there'll be no footy at Glasto


Eavis: 'Glastonbury won't be screening World Cup because it's a music event'

Photo: WENN

Glastonbury organiser Emily Eavis has explained why Glastonbury won't be screening any World Cup matches over the weekend.

Speaking to the NME, Eavis detailed timing clashes and practicality as the reason why the festival won't be showing football - as well as the small fact that it's a music event, not a sporting one. There's also that whole thing where England were knocked out last Thursday by Uruguay, so yeah.

Says Eavis: "If it was on Sunday at nine o'clock in the morning, you could obviously put it on the main stage and it wouldn't matter. But we don’t have a field big enough spare to put an enormous game on, potentially at that time when we are dealing with 177,000 people. We can't just put it on at that time of day. It's also...a music event!"

Glastonbury kicks off tomorrow (June 25), with acts performing from Thursday evening. Unfortunately, heavy rain is forecast for part of the weekend, so pack your wellies.

Below - 8 ways to survive the rain and mud at Glastonbury:

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